Navigating Research Terminology: Paradigms, Theories, and Frameworks Explained
Research paradigms, theory, conceptual framework, theoretical framework - what do they all mean? Keep reading!
PhD by publication or published works - how is it different from a traditional PhD by research?
A PhD by publication or published works - what exactly is this, an how does it differ from a traditional, standard PhD? Keep reading!
Grand theory - what are “grand theories” and how should I use them in my research?
Grand theory. What is it? Should you use it in your research? If so, how? Keep reading to find out the answers!
How to know which theories to use for your theoretical framework
Struggling to decide what theories to use in your PhD? Keep reading for some pointers!
Literature Review Problems: How to decide what NOT to include in your literature review!
When can you stop reviewing the literature? When is your lit review “finished”? Keep reading to find out…
How can I be more critical in my dissertation literature review?
So, you’ve been told you need to be more critical in your dissertation literature review. But, how?! Keep reading for some tips on what to do.
Ethnographic Content Analysis - a step-by-step guide for beginners
Ethnographic content analysis, what’s it all about? Keep reading!
PhD Supervision, dealing with feedback anxiety: 5 tips to survive criticism on your work!
Are you holding off on sending that draft to your supervisor because you feel super ick about it being criticised? You need to read this…
Writing about paradigms in your PhD thesis - where to write about them and what to say
Paradigms. They’re important. But, where should you write about them in your PhD thesis? What do you need to say? Keep reading, I’ve got you!
What to do when there is little or no existing literature on your dissertation research topic
If you’ve tried searching for literature and you’re struggling to find anything, what should you do? Keep reading, I have some tips to help you!
Six top tips to pass your PhD viva
PhD viva or thesis defense coming up? You need to read this!
Classical Grounded Theory
Classical grounded theory. What’s this qualitative method all about? What are some of its key principles and ideas? Keep reading and I’ll explain!
Conceptual vs theoretical framework
What’s the difference between a conceptual and a theoretical framework? Why does this matter?
Why is a literature review so important in academic research?
Why do a literature review? I know, sounds like a stupid question, but it’s an important one!
Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis | Frequently asked questions about paradigms, reflexivity, going deeper and theory
Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis, so many questions! I’m answering four of the most frequent ones in this blogpost, so keep reading!
Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis - How to do the six-step process in your qualitative research project
Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis is one of the most popular techniques for analysing qualitative data. But, how do you do it? Let me walk you through it…
Thematic Literature Review - How to write one without getting into a mess!
Read my previous post on thematic literature reviews and want a bit more help? Keep reading for a deep dive into the process and some top tips!
Critical Realism - A simple explanation for beginners
Want an explanation of critical realism that doesn’t have you running to find a dictionary?! Keep reading …
Interpretivism vs Positivism | A simple explanation of interpretivist vs positivist research for beginners
What are the differences between positivism and interpretivism? What are their ontologies and epistemologies? Keep reading …
Positivism in research - a beginners’ introduction to the positivist paradigm
Positivism, what’s it all about? Let’s use a simple analogy to explain this social research paradigm …