Method vs Methodology
Aren’t method and methodology exactly the same thing? Does it make a difference which one you use in your thesis?
How to find a research gap
Ahh, the elusive research gap! But, what is a research gap and how do you identify one?
PhD Planning for 2025 - ready to have your best PhD year yet?! YES, you are!
Ready to make 2025 your best PhD year yet?! Let’s go!
Writing a PhD research proposal
Writing a PhD research proposal, or trying to?! Let me give you a hand with that - here’s an outline that might be helpful…
“Do I really want to do a PhD?!”
Should you do a PhD? What factors do you need to think about before taking the plunge and applying? Keep reading!
Dissertation topics - how to narrow down your social sciences PhD title
Is your PhD topic too broad? Need to narrow it down? Keep reading!
PhD by publication or published works - how is it different from a traditional PhD by research?
A PhD by publication or published works - what exactly is this, an how does it differ from a traditional, standard PhD? Keep reading!
Six top tips to pass your PhD viva
PhD viva or thesis defense coming up? You need to read this!
How to write a research proposal - a guide for PhD applicants in the social sciences
Writing a research proposal? Need some help and examples? Read on!
How to plan your academic year as a PhD student - don’t plan anything until you’ve done THIS!
There’s one thing most people forget to do when planning their year, keep reading to find out what it is!
Getting Ethical Approval for your PhD Research Project: Three key questions to ask
Is the ethical approval process boggling your mind? Don’t worry, I have three simple questions you can ask yourself to check you’re being ethically excellent in your approach!
Writing a PhD research proposal? Avoid these 3 common mistakes!
Avoid these 3 mistakes in your PhD research proposal!
How to Write a Winning Research Proposal: Tips and Tricks
This blogpost explores common mistakes made when writing research proposals and provides advice on how to avoid them, with guidance from Dr. Elizabeth Yardley, an academic with 20 years of experience teaching sociology, social policy and criminology in UK universities.
The three different types of social science dissertation
Confused about the difference between primary, secondary, literature-based, library-based, desk-based dissertations! I was too back in my student days! That’s why I created this blogpost, that breaks it all down.
What if my dissertation has already been done?
If someone else has already done a dissertation on your topic, does it mean you have to choose something else? No, it certainly doesn’t!
Is it too late to change my dissertation topic?
Before you throw your dissertation topic into the trash, make sure you read this blogpost!
I haven’t started my dissertation yet and I don’t know what to do it on!
The best social science dissertation titles contain people, an issue or interest, and a context.
How to write a research proposal - 3 common errors to avoid!
How do you write a good research proposal? By avoiding these three common errors!