How to use critical realism in your research - answering your FAQs!
Critical realism, is it the same as critical theory? That’s just one of the questions that often crop up around this paradigm. Keep reading for the answer…
Positivism vs Post Positivism
What’s the difference between positivism and post positivism? How might a positivist and post positivist study on the same topic differ? Keep reading, because I break all that down in this blogpost.
Pragmatism as a research philosophy - or paradigm, or approach? What’s it all about?
Pragmatism - is it a paradigm? Is it an approach? What's it all about? Keep reading, because I'm going to break it all down in this blogpost.
Navigating Research Terminology: Paradigms, Theories, and Frameworks Explained
Research paradigms, theory, conceptual framework, theoretical framework - what do they all mean? Keep reading!
Grand theory - what are “grand theories” and how should I use them in my research?
Grand theory. What is it? Should you use it in your research? If so, how? Keep reading to find out the answers!
How to know which theories to use for your theoretical framework
Struggling to decide what theories to use in your PhD? Keep reading for some pointers!
Writing about paradigms in your PhD thesis - where to write about them and what to say
Paradigms. They’re important. But, where should you write about them in your PhD thesis? What do you need to say? Keep reading, I’ve got you!
Conceptual vs theoretical framework
What’s the difference between a conceptual and a theoretical framework? Why does this matter?
Critical Realism - A simple explanation for beginners
Want an explanation of critical realism that doesn’t have you running to find a dictionary?! Keep reading …
Interpretivism vs Positivism | A simple explanation of interpretivist vs positivist research for beginners
What are the differences between positivism and interpretivism? What are their ontologies and epistemologies? Keep reading …
Positivism in research - a beginners’ introduction to the positivist paradigm
Positivism, what’s it all about? Let’s use a simple analogy to explain this social research paradigm …
Paradigms in social science, a beginner’s guide to positivism, interpretivism and critical realism
Paradigms, what exactly are they? Positivism, interpretivism, critical realism - do these terms boggle your brain? Let me explain them, in simple terms …
What is Ethnomethodology? Key principles and ideas from Harold Garfinkel
Ethnomethodology. What’s it all about?! Keep reading to learn more!
What is Phenomenology? Origins, Concepts and Development of the Theory: An introduction for PhD students.
What exactly is phenomenology? Get ready to find out, and learn some cool new words in the process!
Ontology and Epistemology: The foundations of academic research explained
Struggling to get your head around ontology and epistemology? Don’t worry, this blogpost will help you understand them!
Structure and Agency explained - Theory for postgraduate social science students
What does ‘structure and agency’ actually mean? Are they opposites? Are they linked? I answer these questions - and more - in this blogpost!
What is a conceptual framework? A simple and relatable explanation!
Conceptual framework. As a postgraduate, you’ll certainly be using one. But, what is it? Where does it go in your dissertation?
Ontology and epistemology explained for social science postgrads
What does ontology mean? What does epistemology mean? How can you use them in your assignments and dissertation as a postgraduate? In this blogpost, I explain all of that!