Constructivist Grounded Theory - A simple introduction to Kathy Charmaz’s approach
Constructivist Grounded Theory - what’s it all about? How is Kathy Charmaz’s approach different from traditional Grounded Theory? Keep reading…
Research questions for qualitative research - how to develop them, with templates and examples
Qualitative research questions, how should you write them? What shouldn’t you do? Keep reading for ideas, templates and examples!
Ethnographic Content Analysis - a step-by-step guide for beginners
Ethnographic content analysis, what’s it all about? Keep reading!
Classical Grounded Theory
Classical grounded theory. What’s this qualitative method all about? What are some of its key principles and ideas? Keep reading and I’ll explain!
Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis | Frequently asked questions about paradigms, reflexivity, going deeper and theory
Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis, so many questions! I’m answering four of the most frequent ones in this blogpost, so keep reading!
Braun and Clarke Thematic Analysis - How to do the six-step process in your qualitative research project
Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis is one of the most popular techniques for analysing qualitative data. But, how do you do it? Let me walk you through it…
What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research interviews?
How are qualitative interviews different from quantitative interviews? Keep reading to find out!
How to do Ethnography: Top tips for graduate school PhD students
Considering ethnography? Read my top tips on how to do it properly and ethically!
The basics of qualitative research - a guide for PhD researchers
Subjectivity, validity and reliability - what do they mean for qualitative research? Keep reading, and I’ll explain …