Thematic Literature Reviews - How to develop an initial set of themes
Not sure where to start with your thematic literature review? Let me help you get it out of the starting blocks!
How to write a research proposal - a guide for PhD applicants in the social sciences
Writing a research proposal? Need some help and examples? Read on!
Thematic literature reviews and chronological literature reviews. What’s the difference? Which one should you choose for your PhD literature review?
Thematic or chronological? Are you considering one of these structures for your literature review? Learn a bit more about them in this blogpost ..
How to start your literature review - a guide for PhD students who are STUCK!
Struggling to get your PhD literature review off the ground? Here are some simple steps to get you started and generate some momentum!
Paradigms in social science, a beginner’s guide to positivism, interpretivism and critical realism
Paradigms, what exactly are they? Positivism, interpretivism, critical realism - do these terms boggle your brain? Let me explain them, in simple terms …
How to write your PhD thesis discussion and conclusion chapters
Confused about what goes in the discussion and what you should ‘save’ for the conclusion? You’re not alone! Keep reading, it will soon become clear …
PhD Burnout - How to prevent it when you’re balancing work and study, 3 more top tips
Doing the PhD juggle? Here are three strategies to try when you feel like you’re losing the battle balancing work and study!
PhD Work Life Balance | How to stay sane when juggling study with part-time or full-time work!
PhD and a full-time or part-time job? Struggling with the juggling?! You’re not alone - but there are some tweaks and changes you can make to supercharge your productivity. Let me share three of them with you …
Academic writing for graduate students | 4 top tips to be a better writer
Struggling to write up your PhD? Read on!
PhD ChatGPT Game-Changers! Three surprising and ethical ways ChatGPT can help you with your PhD
3 ways ChatGPT can help you as a PhD student - you probably haven’t heard these before!
How to write a thesis introduction chapter | How masters and PhD students can impress their examiner from the start!
Not sure where to start with your Introduction chapter? Don’t worry, you soon will!
How to write a reflective essay in grad school: Write reflectively about your masters or PhD journey with template examples
If you need to write a reflective essay, statement or paper and don’t know where to start, read on!
What is Ethnomethodology? Key principles and ideas from Harold Garfinkel
Ethnomethodology. What’s it all about?! Keep reading to learn more!
What is Phenomenology? Origins, Concepts and Development of the Theory: An introduction for PhD students.
What exactly is phenomenology? Get ready to find out, and learn some cool new words in the process!
Ethical ChatGPT commands for PhD students | Enhance your literature review with these game changing prompts
Can you use ChatGPT in your PhD literature review whilst staying in integrity? I think you CAN, and in this blogpost, I’ll share three game changing, ethical commands with you.
The 3 Habits of Successful PhD Students: Game changing hacks for all doctoral candidates
These three habits will get you back on track with your PhD, and they’re not what you might expect!
PhD Procrastination: If you’re putting off dissertation tasks, here’s why! It’s not just about motivation!
Procrastination isn’t just about motivation - it goes much deeper than that!
ChatGPT for PhD Literature Review Writer’s Block: Use AI without compromising your ethics and integrity!
So, you can type a prompt into ChatGPT to help with your PhD literature review, and that’s perfectly okay?! Keep reading …
What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research interviews?
How are qualitative interviews different from quantitative interviews? Keep reading to find out!
PhD Student Tips How to Write Dissertation Aims and Objectives
PhD students, check your aims and objectives follow these rules!