How to do Ethnography: Top tips for graduate school PhD students
Considering ethnography? Read my top tips on how to do it properly and ethically!
The basics of qualitative research - a guide for PhD researchers
Subjectivity, validity and reliability - what do they mean for qualitative research? Keep reading, and I’ll explain …
How to do a PhD literature review properly? Be intentional and critical! Steal my strategy and templates!
Up-level your literature review with my 5 top tips!
How to plan your academic year as a PhD student - don’t plan anything until you’ve done THIS!
There’s one thing most people forget to do when planning their year, keep reading to find out what it is!
Chat GPT for PhD Dissertation Students - Enhance your literature review whilst retaining research integrity and ethics
Can you use ChatGPT ethically in your PhD literature review? YES! You absolutely can!
Ontology and Epistemology: The foundations of academic research explained
Struggling to get your head around ontology and epistemology? Don’t worry, this blogpost will help you understand them!
Getting Ethical Approval for your PhD Research Project: Three key questions to ask
Is the ethical approval process boggling your mind? Don’t worry, I have three simple questions you can ask yourself to check you’re being ethically excellent in your approach!
Reflective and Reflexive Thinking in PhD Research
Reflective and reflexive. Are they they same thing? How can you use them in your PhD research? Read on to find out!
How to crush your PhD without being a perfectionist!
Ever spent hours fretting over a paragraph? Ever hesitated to send a draft to your supervisor because it’s “not ready yet” (even though it’s fine!)? Then you might be a little bit of a perfectionist!
Crafting a Focused PhD or Masters Degree Literature Review: How many headings?
How many headings should you have in your literature review? Keep reading to find out!
Tackling Imposter Syndrome as a PhD Student: How to silence your inner critic as a grad school doctoral student
If you’re struggling with Imposter Syndrome, you need to read this!
How to write a discussion chapter for your PhD thesis: a step-by-step guide
Got to write your thesis discussion chapter, but don’t know where to begin, or how to structure it? Don’t worry, you soon will! Keep reading!
Unraveling Critical Analysis: A Guide for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students
Been told you need to “be more critical” but not sure where to begin? In this blog, I’ll share my 4-step framework!
Decoding the 'Why' in PhD Research Methodology: Crafting a Credible Academic Narrative
You’ve probably explained what you did, and how you did it, but have you explained why in your research methods chapter?
Conquering Procrastination: The PhD Student's Guide to Productivity and Success
Procrastinating? Putting it off? Kicking it into the long grass? Whatever you want to call it, not tackling important PhD tasks is a bad idea - so here’s how to smash through your procrastination!
Demystifying the Methodology Chapter: A Practical Guide for Social Science PhD Students
Stuck on how to structure your methods chapter? Don’t worry! In this blog I’ll take you through a basic structure and provide some sentence starters to ensure you’re covering the “Why?” as well as the “What?”.
Academic Conferences for Introverts: 5 tips for surviving the conference as a PhD student or early career researcher
If the thought of going to a conference gives you nightmares, if you know you’ll spend more time in your conference hotel room than actually attending sessions, you need to read this!
Shiny Object Syndrome as a PhD Student | 6 tips for dealing with a rebellious brain on your doctoral journey!
Always getting distracted and struggling to make progress on your PhD? You’ve likely got Shiny Object Syndrome!
PhD Thesis Advisor Tips | How to deal with critical feedback that makes you want to cry!
Do you want to cry when you receive a chapter draft covered in tracked changes and direct, cutting remarks? You’re not alone!
PhD Burnout: How to stop overwhelm turning into an existential crisis!
Feeling overwhelmed? Got a one-way ticket to PhD burnout? You’ll feel much calmer once you’ve read this.