My dissertation supervisor is ignoring me!
If your dissertation supervisor is ignoring you, or taking an age to respond, try one - or both - of my top two tips!
What if my dissertation has already been done?
If someone else has already done a dissertation on your topic, does it mean you have to choose something else? No, it certainly doesn’t!
Reflexivity in qualitative research dissertations
What is reflexivity? How can you be reflexive in your qualitative dissertation?
How to be more critical in your dissertation literature review
Key questions to ask to ensure you’re being “critical” in your dissertation literature review.
Is it too late to change my dissertation topic?
Before you throw your dissertation topic into the trash, make sure you read this blogpost!
Structure and Agency explained - Theory for postgraduate social science students
What does ‘structure and agency’ actually mean? Are they opposites? Are they linked? I answer these questions - and more - in this blogpost!
How to start a literature review - 3 tips for postgrads going back to university
Three top tips to boss your literature reviews as a postgrad
Critical analysis - how to do it in three steps
Critical analysis is a straightforward process: describe; interpret, evaulate! In this blogpost, I walk you through a series of questions to ask at each stage.
“How can I find more literature?” Citation Searching & Bibliographic Mining
Okay, so, you’ve started your dissertation literature review. But, where do you go from here, how do you find more stuff? How do you do this properly, systematically, in a way that maximizes your chances of finding super useful stuff?
“I get so tired in the afternoon!” Try drinking more water
In this blogpost, I write about the importance of staying hydrated, and share some of my tips for doing so. Since I started drinking more water, I’m way more productive!
Preparing an assignment is like making a good chilli…
In this blog, I explain why preparing a fabulous assignment is like cooking a delicious chilli. Learn to step away, and let it simmer!