PhD Motivation Crisis: Should you quit? Should you carry on?
PhD life can be tough, it often feels like you’re not making any progress, or even moving backwards. So, should you just quit?
How to reduce the wordcount when you’ve written too much!
Gone over the wordcount again?! Here’s how to cut it down without losing anything vital…
Ethical ChatGPT commands for PhD students | Enhance your literature review with these game changing prompts
Can you use ChatGPT in your PhD literature review whilst staying in integrity? I think you CAN, and in this blogpost, I’ll share three game changing, ethical commands with you.
The 3 Habits of Successful PhD Students: Game changing hacks for all doctoral candidates
These three habits will get you back on track with your PhD, and they’re not what you might expect!
PhD Student Tips How to Write Dissertation Aims and Objectives
PhD students, check your aims and objectives follow these rules!
How to plan your academic year as a PhD student - don’t plan anything until you’ve done THIS!
There’s one thing most people forget to do when planning their year, keep reading to find out what it is!
Tackling Imposter Syndrome as a PhD Student: How to silence your inner critic as a grad school doctoral student
If you’re struggling with Imposter Syndrome, you need to read this!
Unraveling Critical Analysis: A Guide for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students
Been told you need to “be more critical” but not sure where to begin? In this blog, I’ll share my 4-step framework!
Decoding the 'Why' in PhD Research Methodology: Crafting a Credible Academic Narrative
You’ve probably explained what you did, and how you did it, but have you explained why in your research methods chapter?
Academic Conferences for Introverts: 5 tips for surviving the conference as a PhD student or early career researcher
If the thought of going to a conference gives you nightmares, if you know you’ll spend more time in your conference hotel room than actually attending sessions, you need to read this!
Shiny Object Syndrome as a PhD Student | 6 tips for dealing with a rebellious brain on your doctoral journey!
Always getting distracted and struggling to make progress on your PhD? You’ve likely got Shiny Object Syndrome!