Using ChatGPT Ethically in Your Social Science Dissertation: Tips and Best Practices

Chat GPT – it’s a causing a bit of controversy isn’t it? All this talk of evil robots and people using it for nefarious means. What are we to make of it all?

As a social sciences academic who has supported thousands of students through their dissertations, I have seen many technological tools that have made students' lives easier. However, I have never encountered anything quite like Chat GPT. It is scarily efficient and very human-like. But, can it be used ethically and morally without compromising students' integrity?

Spoiler alert – I think it certainly can be used ethically and morally.

In this blog post, I will outline three key principles to guide ethical use of Chat GPT as dissertation students.

(1) It’s there to assist, not to do

Chat GPT is a potentially valuable tool for dissertation students. However, the trick to using it ethically is in how you think about it. You should think of it like a virtual assistant. It's there to assist you, not to write your dissertation for you. Use it with the intention of enhancing your research practice and becoming a better, more efficient researcher.

The analogy I've been using for the relationship between dissertation students and Chat GPT is that between a CEO and their PA.

A CEO would never ask their PA to do their CEO job for them.

Instead, they would use their PA to get more efficient at the administrative, time-sucking tasks. That will free up time for them to apply their unique genius, their creativity, their critical, analytical, and evaluative skills.

That's what Chat GPT can potentially do for you.

(2) Listen to your intuition and conscience

Listen to your intuition and conscience. Your own moral compass will help guide you through the use of all this new AI technology, including Chat GPT. If your conscience is telling you that what you're doing is a bit dodgy, then you need to listen to it and stop that!

Another good way to do a bit of a smell test when it comes to your use of Chat GPT is to imagine your thesis advisor or dissertation supervisor looking over your shoulder as you're typing stuff into it. What would they say? Would they have reservations about it? Would they want to see you doing whatever it is you're doing?

(3) Stay critical

Don't become lazy. Make sure that when you've asked Chat GPT to help you with something, you take the time to look carefully at what it's produced, and ask some critical questions about what it's come back with.

Whether you’ve asked it to explain a particular concept or theory, or to suggest an outline structure for a section of your literature review, don't just take what it produces and run with it.

Ask, “Might there be anything missing from this?”, “What else might be important to consider here?”, “How relevant is this to my dissertation?”.

Think about specific elements of your topic – does that fit with what Chat GPT has suggested?

Come up with some questions that start with, “But what about …?”.


In conclusion, Chat GPT can be a valuable tool for dissertation students if used ethically and morally.

It's there to assist, not to do, so use it to enhance your research practice and become a better researcher.

Listen to your intuition and conscience, and stay critical by asking questions about what it produces.

By following these three key principles, you can use Chat GPT in a wholesome manner without compromising your integrity as a dissertation student.

Check out my YouTube video below, which goes into more detail about these principles!

Next steps

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